Our 2020 training schedule has been posted and there are a few surprises! We're excited about all of our upcoming trainings and especially a few "first time" spots like Honolulu, Hawaii (February), Quebec, Canada (June), Costa Rica (October) and Trinidad (December)!
Most of our enrollments come from word of mouth sharing. Many of our Consultants have family members and clients who take the class after witnessing firsthand the benefits of sharing the Sisterlocks lifestyle. We are counting on you to continue the trend of spreading the word about our training opportunities. Won't it be nice when everyone can boast that they have a Consultant, or two in the family? Remember, it started with me and then my sister, Celeste, followed by my niece, Monica - both of whom are now Trainers. I have to mention my sister Carol, who has always worked with me as well. It has always been a family affair for us, and I love promoting and encouraging family involvement.
Here's to a great 2020 for the entire Sisterlocks family! I hope to see you on a class roster in 2020! Thank you for sharing!
Always, Dr. C