My vision began to include creating opportunities for people. Much of my spare time, after working my day job as a professor, was spent doing hair or teaching someone to do Sisterlocks. Growing the company began to feel heavy and stressful like I was "pushing a rope," and everybody knows you can't push a rope! I have a very vivid memory of, literally and figuratively, turning around one day and instead of pushing the rope, I began to pull it. That was so much easier! I put myself first, and everything else had to follow ME! My pace, my direction, my priorities. I pulled the rope along, instead of pushing it, and little by little the company fell in line along with everyone who wanted to share my vision.
Today, as I look around the Sisterlocks building during the San Diego training class, I see that the pushing and pulling has all been worth it. I have my sisters, loyal friends and employees who provide extreme support. To top it off, I see the next generation of Sisterlocks Consultants, Trainers and Brand Ambassadors who are dedicated to pulling Sisterlocks into the next level. I'm ready, let's go!