While I don’t take credit for the entire natural hair movement, I am extremely happy about the contribution Sisterlocks has made and the lives that have been impacted. I’m gleeful about the dialogue on natural hair. It makes me proud that nappy hair is a feature of ours that’s gaining its rightful place in the world: uncovered, unashamed and unapologetic. We all know that a Black woman’s natural hair can set off a dialogue with so many varying opinions. Natural hair is a journey and that word, journey, in and of itself, is an indication of the many routes our women have traveled in pursuit of self-acceptance. Our natural hair has been picked, pressed, combed, braided, coiled, debated and rarely celebrated.

There are others who embark on their natural journey as a phase, a fad or just a style. Some just wear natural styles as a temporary option maybe for the convenience although this is rarely the case with Sisterlocks.

What is it for you? Is it your lifestyle, part of your journey or your destiny? You can read my story in That Hair Thing!