- To provide hair loss advice and provide the right products for your clients.
- Learn how to do an in-depth analysis of your clients’ scalp conditions and partner with a Trichologist to address these conditions.
- Learn how to properly measure and fit your hair loss clients with a “Compliment” unit. The Compliment is a hairpiece that uses either the client's own Sisterlocks or donor Sisterlocks.
Through the years, Sisterlocks Consultants and Trainees have encountered the issue of hair thinning, alopecia and a plethora of conditions causing these visible symptoms. We have all commiserated with our clients over what causes hair loss, what to do about it and how.
Clients may have consulted with medical professionals including general practitioners, dermatologists and gynecologists. Most are told they have traction alopecia and should remove their “braids.” This advice may be valid for some, except, Sisterlocks are not braids and do not cause damage to the hair follicles. We concede that former braid wearers may have residual side effects, i.e. thinning at the edges.
This class also provides attendees training to become Sizing Technicians for The Compliment - Sisterlocks' answer to hair thinning and hair loss. This customized prosthetic unit provides fullness and confidence, and “compliments” a hair loss client’s Sisterlocks.
To learn more and enroll in the Sisterlocks Trichology Analyst class on the Sisterlocks website
For registration information: http://2017hc.sisterlocks.com/