Had I listened to naysayers, I would never have developed Sisterlocks as a company. Fact is, I probably would never have WORN Sisterlocks had I listened to what others said or made my choices based on how they felt. When I look back, I'm so happy I was open to change and ultimately, growth. I didn't allow the opinions or others, or my own concerns, stop me from what is clearly a huge part of my life's path.
By wearing Sisterlocks, I gave myself, and eventually others, the courage to love and accept ourselves just as we are. When I think of the positives that have resulted from starting the Sisterlocks company, I get chills. The number of men and women who benefit from a career as independent Consultants is something I'm very happy about. These Consultants had to face the fear of making change in their own lives and they have to possess the desire to help others on their journeys. There are throngs of clients who are able to benefit from and participate in this hair thing. Whenever I'm around the Sisterlocks family, I hear amazing stories of how Sisterlocks has changed their lives. I assure them that by taking the first step, they made the change - I just provided a vehicle to accomplish their goals. Because of a personal choice I made to step out and do what I felt had to be done: develop a system that enabled us to reach our maximum growth potential: hair growth, personal growth, professional growth. Total growth!
Change is not usually easy. Sometimes, to make significant change we have to pull from deep down inside ourselves to find the strength and the wherewithall to even think about making a change. But we have to do it. We owe it to ourselves to do and be what we want and to live the lives we want.
Sit back and look at your own life. What path are you on? What are the next steps needed to accomplish your goals. Whatever it is, you can do it! How does Sisterlocks factor into your journey? Are you a wearer or potential wearer? I always say, with Sisterlocks we reach our unlimited growth potential! It's evident in the photos, right? Is being a Consultant something you ponder? Sisterlocks provides tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurs. Wherever you are on your path, remember: it's a journey, not a race!
Next time we’ll tackle the topic of achieving balance as we do all that we do! Stay tuned.