Black History Month is a time to remember our ancestors, celebrate our achievements and educate our youth.
We owe everything to those who paved the way for us and fought for the freedoms we have today. Let’s say their names! Dred Scott, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, W.E. B. Dubois. In addition to those I learned about in history books, I honor my mother, Dora Lee Smith Jenkins, for giving me life and being my greatest inspiration.
Celebrating our achievements without honoring them would be impossible. From light bulbs to street lamps, without our ancestors, we’d literally still be in the dark.
We must constantly seek knowledge to better ourselves and our communities. We can't limit learning about our history to a particular month. I’ve made a lifelong commitment to learning and teaching. As a professor of Africana Studies and French, I taught from the books available to me. When I created Sisterlocks, I created my own curriculum to educate my people. I take pride in my contribution to our community and our history.
Join me in celebrating this month and making a commitment to seeking knowledge and ongoing education to better ourselves and our youth.
Whose name will your write in your history book? Let’s say their names. And go! Write the names of those you honor in the comments.