Certified Consultant Registry
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi and Missouri, Montana
The information below is the most current we have on file. Consultants are responsible for keeping the Sisterlocks Home Office up to date on their contact information.
- "Brand Ambassador" (BA) = A Certified Consultant with additional instruction who has committed to representing the brand through 'by-the-book' practices. Links below point to BA's Sisterlocks page.
- "R" Certified = Able to offer Official Sisterlocks Retightening Classes to their Sisterlocks clients.
- Trichology Analyst = Has taken our course on hair loss issues
Boston Martine Bernard BRAND AMBASSADOR / DISTRIBUTOR Cc Jamieson (857-244-0097 or [email protected]); Brockton: Cheryl Grant Samms (508-510-9897 or [email protected]), Cynthia Williams ( 617-283-4911 or [email protected]); Cambridge: Andrea Mercurio ([email protected] or 617-661-8262); Dorchester: Seesun Doegolia (646-713-9306 or [email protected]), Evelyn Dolan (617-529-0935 or [email protected]), Jacqueline Myers (617-549-4562 or [email protected]); Malden: Yvonne Thomas (781-322-1662 or [email protected]); Randolph: Jo Raynor (781-986-3516 or [email protected]); Roslindale: Sharon Flynn (617-406-9264 or [email protected]); Stoughton: Janay Johnson (617-938-9653 or [email protected]); Watertown: Patience Jackson (919-475-9875 or [email protected]); Westfield: Daunette Reid (413-221-8260 or [email protected]); Worcester: Abigail Johnson (508-762-7220 or [email protected]); |
Michigan |
Jaime Dettl (313-804-1577 or [email protected]); Ann Arbor: Monica Geary, BRAND AMBASSADOR ([email protected]); Canton: Jacquelyn Jackson BRAND AMBASSADOR/"R" CERTIFIED Dearborn Heights: Tina Pope (313-445-3901 or [email protected]); Detroit: Patricia Campbell-Williams (313-598-4794 or [email protected]), Britney Holt-Caldwell (313-437-5176 or [email protected]), Sharika Marshall (313-772-0852 or [email protected]), Terrie Odom (313-530-8976 or [email protected]), ***** Shelli Paige (313-580-9754 or [email protected]), Dena Reed (313-515-4436 or [email protected]), Via Royster-Weary BRAND AMBASSADOR / "R" CERTIFIED Robin Simpson BRAND AMBASSADOR / "R" CERTIFIED Erica Taylor ("R" Certified - 313-471-1476 or [email protected]); Eastpointe: Atoya Martin (313-434-2864 or [email protected]); Farmington Hills: Lori Walker BRAND AMBASSADOR Shalyn Stewart-Fuller ([email protected]); Ferndale: Japan Scruggs (313-939-6212 or [email protected]); Flint: Janet Haggard - “Not Currently Accepting New Clients” (810-410-7991 or [email protected]) DISTRIBUTOR; Grand Rapids: None at this time. Harper Woods: Sheila Williams (313-445-8649 or [email protected]); Kalamazoo: Paulette Hunter BRAND AMBASSADOR / "R" CERTIFIED Lansing: Michele Grier (925-642-1178 or [email protected]), Alicia McGee-Doss (517-610-3007 or [email protected]); Muskegon: Katherine Tompkins (616-307-7025 or [email protected]); Mt. Pleasant: Mary Henley (989-289-6558 or [email protected]); Novi: Lea Cane (248-470-8471 or [email protected]), Kathy English ("R" Certified 313-770-4772 or [email protected]); Oak Park: Kimberly Dalton BRAND AMBASSADOR Plymouth: Janelle Wilson BRAND AMBASSADOR / "R" CERTIFIED Southfield: Ashlee Brown (248-809-3208 or [email protected]), Sandra R. Fields BRAND AMBASSADOR / DISTRIBUTOR / "R" CERTIFIED; Wendy Harmon (734-252-6511 or [email protected]), Camilla Smith (313-247-2553 or [email protected]), Denise Tappen (248-470-5168 or [email protected]), Jillian Weary (313-996-9897 or [email protected]); Troy: Dynita McCaskill (248-989-7387 or [email protected]); Ypsilanti: Chianti Frye BRAND AMBASSADOR |
Minnesota |
Brooklyn Park:
Yeamah Brewer ("R" Certified - 612-424-1380 or [email protected]); Minneapolis / St. Paul: Evette Robinson-Holler (314-448-3761 or [email protected]); |
Mississippi |
Chervy Lesure (662-841-5944 or [email protected]); Clinton: Eva Marie Hudson (601-720-0340 or [email protected]), Brianna Short (601-967-6371 or brshort@mc.edu); Columbus: Jan Jordan ("R" Certified - 662-244-7000 or [email protected]); Florence: Tiara Porter (601-988-4136 or [email protected]); Greenwood: Arleneta Whitehead (662-299-4631 or [email protected]); Gulfport: Tara Kole Hattiesburg: Kesia Pope (601-307-6620 or [email protected]); Madison: Benita Parker (601-201-3226 or [email protected]); |
Missouri |
Crystal Brown (314-764-0175 or [email protected]), Paula Bush (314-276-4313 or [email protected]), Nicole Henry (314-630-2509 or [email protected]), Peninah Nteere (901-620-9304 or [email protected]); Kansas City: Dominique Christian BRAND AMBASSADOR / "R" CERTIFIED / DISTRIBUTOR LaShaun Gleese BRAND AMBASSADOR/Distributor /"R" Certified Golden Liles (816-269-3042 or [email protected]), Tamara Nimrod (816-672-9621 or [email protected]), Aunna Randolph (816-514-3833 or [email protected]); Greenwood: Arleneta Whitehead (662-299-4631 or [email protected]); Lee's Summit: Deidra Price ("R" Certified / 913-744-9798 or [email protected]), Latiefa Roberts (816-379-6575 or [email protected]); Manchester: Natasha Bruton (214-875-6798 or [email protected]); Olivette: Gifti Ababa (314-960-9680 or [email protected]); Raymore: Cherie Russell (816-265-0761 or crusse[email protected]); St. Ann: Evette Holler (314-448-3761 or [email protected]); St. Louis: Tarralyn Ervin (314-668-0036 or [email protected]), Dinah Lowery BRAND AMBASSADOR / DISTRIBUTOR Kevin Nolan (865-851-3684 or [email protected]), Rachel Patrick (314-359-5746 or [email protected]), Crystal Williams (314-941-3307 or [email protected]); |
Montana |
Great Falls:
None at this time. |