Soon, Sisterlocks will launch the Sisterlocks Coalition, an organization that will be comprised of men and women who are a part of the Sisterlocks community (professionals, wearers, supporters, etc.) aligned with the Sisterlocks philosophy of cultural empowerment, community building, developing and supporting multiple generations, networking and advanced economics. We feel an organization like this is very necessary to uplift and motivate our people, given the hostile climate towards Blacks in society.
To deem a God given physical trait or attribute illegal is, or should be, illegal! I'm appalled that this is even a discussion. On the other hand I'm not surprised in the least given the numerous recent incidents of arrests or murders for just being or ''do-ing anything while Black (see below). In 2016 a federal court ruled that firing a person with dreadlocks is not discrimination. Most recently, another case determined that it's not illegal to deny employment to a person wearing dreadlocks. Children have been expelled from school and dress codes have been re-written to include language that defines natural hair, braids, twists and locks, as being acceptable in school.
Imagine the psychological impact these negative messages can have on someone seeking employment, education or basic self love/acceptance. One has to wonder how to live in a society that denies your basic right to life and freedom based on your skin color and texture of your hair. How do we arm our children with the confidence to be their beautiful Black selves?

We've got work to do! I'm asking my Sisterlocks family to join me in Cleveland so we can continue the planning of the Sisterlocks Coalition. In the meantime, let's honor some of the victims of “being or do-ing while Black” by name: Onsayo Abram, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Stephon Clark, Charles Kinsey, Corey Lewis, Rashon Nelson, Donte Robinson, Lolade Siyonbola. #saytheirnames
Feel free to add the names of your loved ones who have been victims of "being while Black" in the comments. I would love to see the names of those you will be a part of the Coalition. Let's sip the tea!
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