It usually boils down to the desire to stop looking at our hair as a source of bewilderment, something to figure out…to be dealt with. At the end of the day, we just want peace!
If I were to poll Sisterlocks Consultants across the globe, I believe many of them would say the common declaration shared by their potential clients is that they say, “I’m tired! Just plain tired and I don’t want to run from my hair, anymore.” That’s the common theme. That fatigue has usually been caused by years of trying to “fix” their hair and the issues that accompanied the “fix.”
Out of sheer frustration, many move over to chemical straightening because that process will last longer and will be more convenient. Then she learns the dreaded term: “over processed.” This tiny little side effect of chemical straightening can have irreparable consequences, sometimes resulting in an unplanned hair cut - “the big chop” because she could no longer wear the lie - lye!
So, she braids it to cover up the damage and to also buy some time before doing the inevitable big chop. Then there are hats, scarves and protective styles. The endless attempts to deal with her hair.
Of course, once she’s in the Sisterlocks family she discovers that it’s not just about her hairstyle. Her life changes. She finds peace and serenity (usually, after the settling in phase of her locks :-). She's dancing like nobody's watching, swimming, she's on time for appointments. She's loving life and her Sisterlocks!
She also becomes an ambassador for Sisterlocks. Spreading the word, alerting others that there really is a better way. Many of these ambassadors become, you guessed it, Consultants. They know what it means to yearn for hair care peace. They develop a heart for people! And they do it all while maintaining their peace!
Did I know this would be the result when I started Sisterlocks? No! What I did know was how Sisterlocks made me feel and I knew I had to share it. Today, I'm just happy to see so many of my sisters and brothers reaping the benefits, too! Are you reaping the benefits? Have you experienced peace of mind? Comment below and let me know. Peace!