I'm going to try to make this short and sweet because I hate long, rambling posts.
After 25 years things look pretty simple to me: Sisterlocks is thriving because so many of our Consultants and Trainees are dedicated, honest, hard working sisters out there trying to do the best they know how. I appreciate you for that.
Our West Coast Freedom Tour stop is fast approaching. I can't tell you how excited I am to meet Sisterlocks professionals, clients and friends. I love the hugs and selfies, but I'll also hear your stories, suggestions and frustrations. It's a good reality check for me really, and it's what helps me keep Sisterlocks relevant. Thank you in advance for caring enough to share your thoughts with me.
Maybe it's just me, but I've always felt that a Sisterlocks practitioner had to be 'worthy' of Sisterlocks in order to be real. We have a responsibility to (finally!) give our sisters what they deserve. That means staying at the top of our game, networking, refreshing our knowledge, acquiring new skills. When we put the Freedom Tour together it was with all of this in mind. Take advantage of that and use this wonderful event as a professional stepping stone or pathway to self-improvement.
OK. This post is long enough, so I'll just cut to the chase: I have an appreciation gift for you! Consider it my small investment in your future.
Here it is! See you in Oakland!